Gig Buddies is an initiative that provides opportunities for social connection through live events.
We match people up with a volunteer who shares the same interests and passions, so they can go to events they both enjoy, together.
What is Gig Buddies?
Who is it for?
A Gig Buddies participant is an adult (18 years and older) with mild to moderate learning disability and/or autism, who does not live in supported accommodation, and wants to make new friends and do fun stuff.
A Gig Buddies volunteer is someone who wants to expand their social circles, make friends, support a person with a disability and do fun things.
The Gig Buddies team matches and pairs a volunteer and an adult with a mild to moderate learning disability and/or autism.
Buddies are paired based on mutual interests - such as music tastes, sport and hobbies - and other factors such as location and age.
Once paired, buddies go out together once a month for a year (or longer).
How "Buddying" works