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Gig Buddies hits 1News!


A team from 1News came along for our Easter Weekend launch event, interviewing participants, event attendees and our COO Marija Jelesic-Janic.

They slightly missed the point of Gig Buddies-sorry, we're not going to be running music, theatre and sporting events all over Auckland! There will be a few, and we will be running our Gig Buddies Socials for participants and volunteers, but we don't indeed to do too many of these events, as much as we enjoy them. Do look out for Gig Buddies and Music in the Parks collaborative events next summer, as we're hoping to do it all over again.

The event itself was fantastic. Great music, food and markets, under gorgeous autumnal sun.

More photos and videos will be released soon, so keep a look out for them, teasers below.


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